About the universal scale of all things
We have to face a future
in which we have to deal with global warming.

"Everything in the universe sings the song of yin and yang."
(Chinese proverb).
Joseph Campbell:
“When we kill the song, we kill the bird”
Campbell did not say: "When we kill the bird, we kill the song”.
This means that the song is smarter than the bird that sings the song.
The song even knows 'when' the bird has to sing the song.
Automatically, spontaneously and without any effort:
this is Wuwei- Tzu-jan.
The whole problem of global warming can be captured
and explained trough the concept of Yin and Yang.
Today the balance between Heaven and Earth is of kilter.
The balance between yin(cold)and yang(warm) is of kilter.
Since Lao Tse Taoists know the consequences
of that inconvenient truth.

Everything in the universe sings the song of yin and yang.
When we kill this song, we kill the bird that sings this song.
Global warming and his impacts cannot be looked at
just as a material problem or an excuse to tax you.
The root causes are spiritual, ethical and religious.
Re-ligare, religere.
From a Taoistic point of vue all crises is
caused by human inefficiency and a failing
use of the principles of Yin and Yang.
That’s the real inconvenient truth.
About the universal scale of unknowing.
"Most humans are able to learn many things.
But they are also able to learn nothing about their own history. Nothing."
(George Steiner)
Listen to the ocean
Listen to the ocean, echoes of a million seashells.
The ocean that exists in our consious minds is representative for our inner landscapes.
Beneath the mask of solidity that both we and the ocean wear,
there lies unpredictability, power and sensivity.
Listen to the ocean, to the rhythm as the waves meet the beach and retreat.
I close my eyes,
so the waves can clean my soul of what no longer serves me.
Then, all awareness and objects become empty.
Little by little the sound of the waves returns.
Echoes of a million seashells.
These are things that remind me of the day you sailed off sight.